Homberg Way
Wembdon, Bridgwater TA6 7BY

Supporting Pupils with Down Syndrome
Supporting Pupils with Down Syndrome
Delivered by Jacqueline Sims – Family Support and Schools Liaison Worker
Do you want practical tips and strategies to support you in planning for and including pupils with Down Syndrome across the curriculum?
Our ‘Supporting pupils with Down Syndrome’ training will focus on the specific learning profile of children and young people with Down Syndrome, giving you practical strategies, resources, and ways to differentiate the curriculum.
This training is suitable for professionals and parents and applies across a range of ages/abilities.
This event will include a coffee break and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
Cost: Professionals £10. Parent/Carers £5. The cost is non-refundable.
Delivered by: Jacqueline Sims Ups and Downs Southwest Family Support School Liaison Worker
To book a place, please complete the form below, and we would welcome your questions in advance – please complete the box or email jacqueline@upsanddowns.net before the event: